Friday, July 19, 2024

Day 31 - 19 July 2024

 He made my heart so pain

How can a person be so heartless?

This is indeed a huge lesson I have learnt. 

When you treat someone good, he doesn't have to treat you the same. 

He is the first bad person I met in my entire life.

I have never met someone as bad hearted and selfish as he is.

He did not let go because he had no where else to go

I am still crying

There is no point to hold on anymore - this week is the time to heal and move on

He blames me for everything

He blames me for making his heart turned into stone

He blames me for all the good i done 

He blames me for all the things which happened to him

Faith was right, in an imbalance relationship

The person who gives is not always right

It is making the other person handicap

If the person had given a chance to strive

He would've succeeded instead of just waiting to be fed

Love is not always giving

Love is not expecting anything in return

Love is not lonely

Love is definitely not pain 

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