Thursday, July 11, 2024

Day 23 - 11 July

 It’s disgusting! 

It’s disgusting when he shows photo of my car in his videos 

It’s disgusting when he shows off the expensive perfume he uses in his videos 

It’s disgusting when he shares stories of his experiences as if he did it on himself 

It’s disgusting when he omits me in those lavish holidays we had together 

It’s disgusting he uses what we had, mostly from my, to get other woman to respect him 

This is so cheap!!! 

It’s disgusting now he has no place to stay, he stays at my house- bring his brother to stay 

Then uses my things - my towels, my water dispenser, my washing machine, my fridge, my stove, etc 

But when I needed those things, he wouldn’t be responsible. 

It’s so disgusting how a person can be so irresponsible or take advantage of others! 

This is his way of life. The major problem is the person who enables him - me!!! 

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