Thursday, November 27, 2008

Week 5, Day 4 - Bug, Bug, Where are you???

Yea.. This whole week is about finding bug. And Yea, i dun have to debug it, all i have to do is to find the bug, then i pass the bug over to the subtle programmer, Jianbo, so that he can debug it. He's so pro at it, coz he's the one who wrote the final part of the program, in only 1 month and 5 days time. Geng rite??? He wrote it using Visual C++, no link to matlab nor any database. It's amazing - at least for me~! Lastly, my supervisor, Dr Bhanu is leaving for the States this evening. They - Dr. Bhanu, and his bosses and colleagues - are going for a RSNA conference. I'm sure they will win more awards this time coz they all worked so hard, and honestly, for it. every data they get is through the real channel, no cheating nor hiding. Every bug is to be found and cured. So, to the devotion and dedication~~!! Jia you Jia you~~!!!


SIMMY said...

lucky i was not a programmer..if not, i need to live with bug together..haha

DiaAnE said...

>< not only programmer lar.. i think those QA and process engineer oso have to live with the bugs :P