Friday, August 9, 2024

Day 52 - 9 Aug 2024

 I was admitted to Sg Long Specialist Hospital on 8-Aug midnight due to food poisoning. 

Normally, i would feel better after food poisoning but this time, after diarrhea and vomiting, my lower abdominal pain did not go away. The contraction would come on very frequently that I can't sleep or eat or rest. from 5pm to 10pm - then i decided that I want to go to the hospital and get myself admitted. 

This is when he came into the picture. I told him around 5pm that I had diarrhea and felt terrible. He cancelled his job and drove back to pick me and the boys from school. Arrived around 6pm and I told him what Ben told me. I had inflammation at the lower abdominal so the pain will be there, but it will be better as time passes. We waited till around 10pm and I woke him up saying it's still pain and I want to go to the hospital and get admitted. He replied "there is nothing wrong with you. You are lying. There is reason and you are lying that you are in pain when you are not" I can not imagine why would anyone say this to me, when I'm in so much pain. What kind of human will say this to a person who is in pain for several hours. He said : 

1. Your diarrhea is not smelly

2. You do not have fever

3. You are stress from work - you want to cheat MC

4. You are stress from your children - you find reason not to take care of them

Why on EARTH would I DO THIS!!!!

I am happy with teaching, I want to go to school everyday because I am so excited in the new things I can bring for the children. I love making music playing game with them.

I am happy with my children - although I keep complain they are noisy. But they are part of the reason I am alive. I am happy with my current status and environment. I am very contented with them.

My diarrhea is not smelly because the smelly part already gone, now the bacteria still inside and the shit just doesn't harden.

Fever yet to come because it takes time for certain bacteria to trigger the immune system.

Based on those reasoning? And based on the fact he hold on to that I used to cheat MC when I was working last time? Also, that was wrong - i will never get myself admitted to skip work. The most is get MC from clinic.... 

What kind of person would throw such accusation to someone who is so sick? And that person is the person he sees everyday. If he thinks so badly of me, why still stay with me? How can I make him leave? 

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