Friday, June 14, 2024

The road not taken

 Perhaps I have mentioned too many times, I would always take the road not taken. I do not like the norm, I enjoy challenging the u known. Which is also why ‘amazing’ things keep happening to me. 

2022 marks a significant change in my life. A life which was supposed to be normal became abnormal. ‘Happily’ married with 3 sons, few houses, cars, savings, almost perfect husband. All disappeared overnight because of what I did. Now I reap the ‘fruits’ of the tree I planted. 

2022, I started visiting psychologist. Turns out I have cPTSD. 

PTSD is related to single event while cPTSD is related to multiple events, causing it to be "complex" PTSD. Sure it doesn't sound interesting. 

Fast forward to 2024, June. I am still having treatments for this cPTSD - but I'm learning to be a better person. I got to know Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy as well as Waldorf School. It hasn't been an easy journey, I long to jot them down,  but I have no idea how to start or where to start. 

Or is this the beginning of the sharing? 

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