Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Day Eight - 26 June

This is really the end. 

After weeks of torturing, indecisive. 
All this while he has been manipulating me.
He came over for I don’t know why. 
In the morning he was so cold towards me, knowing things are impossible between us then suddenly appeared at night. 

I realised, I don’t love him. 
I love the fantasy of him. 
I love the memories we had. 
The good time we spent. 
The empty promises we made.
I love the feeling of falling in love, not him. 

What I’m letting go is an abuser 
A hot tempered person 
A manipulator
A narcissist 
A selfish person 

I can never list down all 
The damages he has done to me takes long time to heal

I keep telling myself I can’t control myself 
I’m not strong enough 
No - I am strong enough to overcome this 
Leave when you know you don’t deserve what he done to you 
Leave when you know you deserve better 
Leave because he is not worthy of you 

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