Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas Recital 2014

Today is the 2nd day post Christmas Recital which we had on the 3rd of January 2015.

This recital was done at my residence. This is to provide a platform for the students to perform and showcase they've done for the past 6 months (coz we had a mid year recital earlier on). This time, this recital is a bit longer, about 1 hour. With 12 pieces and 10 students performing. On average, each of them has to perform 2 pieces. 6 pieces of Christmas songs and 6 pieces of other songs. There were 2 chambers, few duets and few solos.

Me too performed a duet piece with Han Zhang

Refreshments after recital. Thanks to Agnes, Celine's mum and Yu Keat's mum for the food.

Presents giveaway session after the recital

Overall, I would say this recital was a success. Everyone practised hard for this and they reap what they sow :) Although the room was small and not everyone can fit in but that's the best i can do. Hope i get a chance to find a bigger space to fit everyone in for the next recital. And of course, next recital will be in end of 2015 or early 2016. Can't afford to do it every 6 months coz it's really tiring to drill them and make sure they practises. With all the extra rehearsals before the recital, am really killing me. Arranging time, coordinating ain't easy. I hope it's all worth it, hope that they will love music more. 

Of course, not forgetting to thanks my very supportive husband. Who helps me clean up my piano room, clean up the house after recital, buy lunch, take care of Jaevyn throughout the recital, prepares drink, etc. I don't know what i will do without him. I love you Dear XOXO

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