Thursday, January 29, 2015

Catalyst VCO

Recently, I've been reading on gentle birthing so that I am prepared for my 2nd son. Saw a post on Facebook saying that she manage to give birth without episiotomy, one of the thing she did was to consume VCO during pregnancy. It is said that VCO is able to improve ur skin's elasticity besides helping on metabolism and others... One can always google about the benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil. Then, I googled bout it. Last year I actually bought 3 bottles of liquid VCO for consumption but after taking a spoon, I stop. I just couldn't stand the smell. And the idea of swallowing oil puts me off. So when I saw that there is VCO in soft gel capsule, I was thinking perhaps this might suit me. From the Facebook post, the same user mentioned she consumed Catalyst VCO. Then I began searching and found. At the same time, I too went to iHerbs to check out the price. Seems that it's cheaper on iHerbs but due to currency exchange (which at this point, MYR is at its lowest) I feel that this Catalyst brand is worth trying.

And so the search to find Catalyst VCO begins. It is actually a Malaysia made product and sold by MLM method (which I dislike). Since there's no other way of buying it, I have to buy from a member. It seems most of the members sell through their blogs and I came across one blog ( who's selling this VCO at RM35.00 (compared to rrp of RM39.90). I immediately placed my order. God knows why I'm so daring to place an order without checking the sender's reliability. After paying, I was afraid if the seller just disappear, after all, I don't have his/her details. I'm not even sure if I can lodge a report if it as a scam. However, I was thinking too much~ the seller SMS me the next day with tracking number and I receive the product the next day. :)

So here it is...

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