Wednesday, December 8, 2010


What is the first thing that comes into your mind when u hear the word Malaysia? For me, it's

1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan
I'm so "thankful" that I'm living in this country, a country where
  1. I have to pay 3% interest for study loan - and need lengthy procedure to change the 3% to 1%
  2. My batch of students are being discriminated as those who applied for PTPTN after July 2005 and graduated b4 2010 is unable to convert their loan to scholarship despite graduating with first class honours. FYI, only those who applied after July 2005 and graduated b4 2010 are affected. Why? Is it because those students are not Malaysian? They are not to be "didahulukan"? Or because their "Pencapaian" is not "diutamakan"? Talk about the "1" concept. Does it mean those students are not within the "1"?
  3. Another case is for MOE. Thanks for their transparency in selecting GSTT. How many non-Malays are actually employed as GSTT? Why hasn't anyone ask MOE to publish those data? Are those data unavailable or those data are simply undisclosable?
  4. Recently, I have been facing problems with Maxis. I know that Maxis is a NGO, so I should not put the blame on government. But then again, what happens to consumer rights organization? Aren't they supposed to be aided by the government to help us, users who are being jeapordised by those conglomerates? We have no channels to turn to. Are we suppose to turn to politicians everytime we face this kinda problems? If that's the case, I suppose those politicians or representatives will find that 24 hours a day is no longer sufficient.
  5. Lastly, Insurance agents. It is also during these few months, I met with an incident where I cancelled my policy and was suppose to get some money back from the company. I cancelled it in late February and was told to wait for the cheque to be sent to my company (coz that's the address i gave them). I waited, and, waited. I called her in April, and July. The only response is to WAIT. I waited patiently until December. Supposing the lifetime of a cheque is 6 months, it will be expired even if i receive it now. I called the headquarter, bypass my agent. Guess what, the HQ says that the cheque has been sent out to their branch at Muar and is not invalid as it has expired. So, I will have to wait for another few months before getting my money back. Luckily it was only few hundreds, imagine if i was few hundred thousands, who can i ask for for those interest i could've earned. Insurance company? Insurance agent? Once again, no channel to complain.

Seriously, I'm starting to feel tired. Tired of Malaysia's policy. Of Malaysian's attitude. Of Malaysia's government. I love Malaysia, that was why I decided to work here instead of going abroad. Look at what has happened to me. If there's anyone to blame, I should blame on me for being patriotism.

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