Saturday, January 24, 2009

Laws of....

Recently, i came across this site about "How your mind makes sense to the world"... In this site, they discuss about the various laws of the mind. In fact, after reading "The Secret", I've been wondering, is Law of Attraction working well or is it as what it means by "Fake it till you get it!" Sometimes, it's hard to make your subconscious know what you want when you, yourself do not know what you want. Or you dare not want what you want! Then, here comes this site which once again reinstate what "The Secret" has been saying. Feel free to visit the page here. Nevertheless, I've made a summary of what's in there.

Law of Cause and Effect - everything happens for a reason. Whatever you have now is the result of choices you made in the past. Do you think it's true? I think it's true for what has happened to me.

Law of Physicality - your mind influences your physical reaction. I'm sure you'll feel your heart beats faster when you think of those scary things..

Law of Corporality - it states something that your mind can actually prolong your life. If you think positive all the time, the hormone which you secrete, can makes you live longer. I'm sure about that, coz i'm still young. Perhaps it's true..

Law of Visualisation - something about your subconscious is more powerful than knowledge

Law of Expectation - one sentence to wrap this "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"

Law of Cognitive Dissonance - 2 opposing ideas cannot occupy your mind the same time. Seriously, i think if that happens, you might need help from psychiatrist.

Law of Reversed Effect - This law is the one which catches my attention. It actually says that, the more you want to do something, the more you can't do it. Because there is the subconscious that resist the change. There is actually something that has been set in your subconscious to protect you from the things or event which you think of as dangerous. This thinking has been accumulated from your previous experience. That is one of the reason why most ppl are reluctant to love and be loved. Perhaps because of their previous experience from it. According to the founder of this law, this thing can be changed if you slowly feed your subconscious with what you want. This process can't be changed abruptly, in fact, the faster you want to change it, the more it will resist the change. In the end, you might collapse with mental disorder :P

Law of Inertia - Once something is in your subconscious, it remains there until it is replaced. This is where stereotyping occurs.

Law of Persistence - This is what happens to most elderly people. They have been living few years with their own thinking, hence it's harder to change their thinking as compared to try changing a child's thinking.

Law of Incrementalism - As long as you practise your thinking, it grows stronger.

All in all, i think that these laws are indeed meningful and one should master them before you want to master your life. Afterall, knowing yourself and your enemy is the first step to success.

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