Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First day of training

Guess everyone has their first day story to tell and i suppose i'm the earliest to write it. Thanks to my supervisor for giving me the chance to write. Basically, i did nothing today. I was given no assignment nor projects. Well, maybe there was. Here's my schedule for today...

7am - walked to Admiralty to take MRT
8am - reached Buona Vista MRT station
8.10am - reached Bus Stop to take Shuttle Bus
8.15am - reached Matrix - the building i'm working at
8.30am - went to 5th floor to meet Miss Chua - the admin girl in charge of my placement
8.45am - Miss Caren brought me to 8th floor to meet Miss Aminah - who is an Indian ><
8.50am - stunned because CPU not functioning
10.00am - been sitting down like an idiot for 1 hour ++, still not functioning
11.00am - finally, got a CPU that is functioning. told to reformat it
12.00pm - went for lunch with 'colleague' - Miss Anna from Poland, Dr. Bhanu from India, Mr. Thiru from Singapore
1.00pm - came back to office, continue formatting
2.30pm - done formatting. waiting for technician to install MATLAB
3.00pm - almost doze off
4.00pm - still doing nothing
5.00pm - NOTHING... thus writing blog

So, here's what actually happened on the first day of work. Not as fun as i thought. Wanna hear something that will tickles you off your first day?

I've been wanting to go to the washroom since 11am but i am afraid i might not able to come back into the office if i went out. The doors are equipped with a scanner, which you must scan with you pass to enter. I, on the other hand, havent got myself a card, thanks to the admin who just threw me away. :( I kept my urine to myself until i cant stand it anymore, which is about 3.30pm. I went out, into the toilet. When i was done, i wanted to open the door with the visitor pass, the thing don't work - coz there's no sensor at the card >< - I was stucked in the toilet and pantry. At this moment, i went to every exit i can find, hoping to see any human being with the card. Guess who i saw? A janitor >< I asked the janitor for help and she opened the door for me. That's how i came back in. So, that's basically what happened on the first day which i hope do not serve as a preview to what might happen in future. To the rest of my friends, please do share what happened on your first day. Till then..Nano Nano~~

1 comment:

kaizen boy said...

what a first day, must be feeling awful....
(actually quite funny, hahaha, sorry.:P, maybe you are very good in writing)

my first day was better than yours, we don have advance gate like yours, but we do punch card, and we don't use visitor card to punch, we already have our name on the card we punch on the first day.

the boring briefing only last 2 hours, then we start to work in the work shop, sometimes boring and sometimes quite be quite busy.
but this is mechanical work, keke.... but some say this is technician work...

tml and tml will be better, i hope...
wish you best too

(link from riyit place)