Friday, February 14, 2025

Renew your Passport online - it has never been easier!

 My passport is expiring this year but I plan to travel abroad some time end of this year. The thought of renewing passport is terrifying - not too much - but yeah, it's gonna be troublesome. As usual, I googled online and found out that I can renew it online! What you need is a softcopy of your passport photo. I got mine taken at a photo studio nearby @ RM20. You can read the requirements on the immigration website but in short, tie your hair, remove any accessories and Ta-Da! 

1. Go to this page: 

2. Click setuju and fill in the details - Note that you can only do this for 13 years ++ (below 18 needs parents/guardian to collect passport together)

3. After payment has been done, print out the payment receipt (you gonna need it when you collect your passport later). Wait for an email from immigration stating that passport is ready to be collected at your desired location. 

I applied mine on a Wednesday evening around 5pm and I received the email on Thursday 10am - That's how efficient they are now! 

I chose to collect my passport at Shaftsbury Putrajaya. It is located at Shaftsbury building Putrajaya, level 2. It might be hard to locate but don't worry, just ask anyone there, they will show you the way.

I parked my car around 215pm, went in got my number, passed to the officer my passport, IC and payment receipt. At 230pm, I drove my car out from Shaftsbury and it's still within the parking grace period. That's how efficient Malaysia Immigration is now! 

They deserve an applaud and stop complaining Malaysia government - they are improving, We are improving! 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Looking for a purpose in life

 I am reading The Power of Purpose by Richard J. Lieder. I have only just started and yet what he wrote seems familar. It has almost the same content as what Steiner mention and it is what the Biography class is about. Yeah, I am enrolled with the Biography class - main reason is to find a purposeful life. Why am I here this life? What is my karma? Why have I chosen this body? There are so many questions which I am still asking myself. 

How many of you out there is asking the same? 

Have you found out your purpose in life? 

What is your motivation in waking up every morning? 

These are some questions I keep asking myself since I knew how to think. We can't be waking up everyday to work for money. Money is not something that we live for, it is only a tool to keep us alive. What then, is the purpose behind this life.

Isn't this question worth ponder upon?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

An education stemmed from love

Since early twenties, I have always wanted to educate my students with love and not the conventional way. When I talk about education, I will always be reminded of my teachers who would shout at me, yell at me - though with good intentions. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame them but there’s something in me which feels that there must be some other ways of educating students.

When I finally get a chance to teach, I kept reminding myself “Don’t flare up, teach with love.” Then, the other me couldn’t surprise the anger. I would then ended up shouting at them or scolding them. Exactly how I grew up with. After shouting at them, I would feel guilty and often question myself if I have dampen their confidence or spoilt their learning experience. 

Things went on for a few years and I decided to take a break from teaching. I didn’t like the way I was. Things didn’t change when I became a mother of three. I was mean and strict to them although I hold on to the principle to teach with love. I wanted to, but I didn’t know how. 

It was in 2023 when I decided to send my youngest son to a Waldorf kindergarten. I came across Waldorf in 2015 but due to financial constraints, we couldn’t afford to send our eldest to a Waldorf school. Now another chance arrived. I quickly enrolled my youngest, L to this Waldorf school 15 minutes away from my house. It was the best decision ever. 

The place was filled with love - I could feel it with all five senses. It was beyond words. The children were happily playing - climbing trees, building sand castles, swinging on a swing, running around barefoot. There were angelic voices singing freely, smells of home cooked food from the kitchen, not to mention the sight of nature surrounding this place. You wouldn’t call it a school by looking at it!

L was only 3 then, he had separation anxiety but after a while, he loved going to this place - school. There was no stress, no fear, no negative emotions. You might be worried, how about learning? I can tell you, you don’t have to be worried. In Waldorf school, there is a time for every learning. This education meets your child at the place where your child is ready. In short, why rush? What good does it brings to graduate early? Why teach your child something he or she is not ready for? 

Then I realised, life is a long journey. Learning never stop - there is something that meets you at certain stages of your life. It can never be beneficial if you force something into someone who is not ready. Let time work its magic on the students. 

Now that I am a Waldorf school music teacher, I gradually find my own way in bringing music into my students’ life. There is no longer shouting or yelling in the classroom, it is now replaced with laughters and joyous moments. Are they learning it right then? I can’t be sure of it but what I am sure of is they love music - it will be their lifelong companion. Isn’t it what music education means? 

Monday, December 23, 2024

New Hope - New Life

 You are in charge of your own destiny! 

It’s over, finally it’s over. Everything I had thought of I true. He has been lying and I finally break free from his manipulation. 

I grew, a lot~

Now, I just want to jot down every little thing in life which makes life alive! 

J has been reading a lot, an avid reader I would say. 

His Christmas present wish was a book from Dan Brown. So I bought 2 for him (there’s additional 20% off with 2 books purchased) 

This is how I break the curse - the family curse 

My parents would never buy me any books - not to mention novels… it sure moulded me into a spendthrift person but at the same time - don’t I deserve a present? Something I want to own…. 

Gifting is a way to show your love - and this Christmas I choose to give something to my children, just to remind them they are loved! 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 2 - 29 August 2024

 I have been strong. 

I have some urge to communicate with him but I stopped myself. His words has helped me a lot.

HY has been supportive. I was pretty cold - most likely I am still unclear of my own emotions 

Somehow I feel I no longer need anyone in my life 

I have everything I need 

I have people supporting me 

Also, I am only starting to learn what is love - the right love